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Thursday, 5 September 2013

Standing Charges: Setup and Process Overview

Standing Charges:

Standing Charges are used to Enter Standing Charge Agreements which are used as a source to control periodic invoices. The Standing Charges functionality enables the user to charge customers periodically and automatically create invoices without the need to enter duplicate information.

Standing Charges have a start date and items specified, which can be amended and update the price items.

Standing Charges Process:

The following diagram shows the Standing Charges process flow, as described in the accompanying text.

Standing Charges Setup:

Specify the Combined Basis Accounting Standing Charges details in the Extended System Options Window(Standing Charges -> Receivables Setup -> Extended System Options)
Receivables uses the transaction flexfields to uniquely identify each transaction and transaction line created by standing charges. Transactions and transaction lines are imported through AutoInvoice.

Billing and Charging Periods:

Billing periods determine the frequency of standing charge invoice creation. Charge periods determine how often items are charged to the customers.
Set up billing and charging periods before entering standing charge items and standing charge agreements.

There are four types of period component: Day, Week, Month and Year. If using a combination of components for a standing charge, the relationship must be set up in advance.

Enter Charge Items: ( Standing Charges -> Maintain Items)

Charge Items are entered in this form with the Price, Period, Tax Code, Account details and the effective datee, it also has the item price history. Each item should be made active to be included in the Standing Charge.

Enter Standing Charges: (Standing Charges -> Maintain Standing Charges):

When there is an agreement with the customer that a charge is invoiced periodically the details of the agreement can be entered in the system.

Enter Customer Name, Period, Frequency, Next Due Date(This is updated when the Standing Charge programs are run), Next GL Date.

The Synchronize Standing Charges process updates the Next GL Date and the First Date at charge line level if invoicing rules are used. The only difference is that the Next GL Date and the First Date for the accounting rule can be updated and the updated value is used for calculating the GL dates.

and then following Programs are run in an order to generate the Standing Charges periodically,

Standing Charges: Preliminary Invoice Register Report
Standing Charges: Generate Interface Data Program
Standing Charges: Synchronize Standing Charges Program

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Monday, 2 September 2013

APP-AR-11017: Recreation of Payment schedules failed because the transaction has activity against it

The main reason that the transaction, adjustment, receipt fails validation is due to the difference in the Payment Term(term_id), exchange rate or gl_date between RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL and AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL for a given record.

The below update statement should resolve the issue:

   set arps.TERM_ID = (select rct.TERM_ID
                         from RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL rct
                        where arps.CUSTOMER_TRX_ID = rct.CUSTOMER_TRX_ID )
where arps.CUSTOMER_TRX_ID = <trans_id> ;

to check if there are other transactions affected you can run the following SQL:

SELECT arps.payment_schedule_id,arps.term_id ps_term_id,rct.term_id ct_term_id
  FROM ra_customer_trx_all rct,
       ar_payment_schedules_all arps
 WHERE rct.customer_trx_id = arps.customer_trx_id
   AND rct.term_id <> nvl(arps.term_id,-1); 

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