Custom Search

Monday, 23 December 2013

RG_FLEX_ASSIGNMENTS Error: Structure Id's for both Axis Sets are Null

Failing to define neither of the Row and Column Assignments, will error the report with the above error.

The issue is caused due to following setup:
There are no account assignments in either Row Set or Column Set which is being used in the FSG Report.

Since FSG reports are used to query balances of accounts, atleast one account assignment is mandatory for it.

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Oracle Financial Statement Generator Report Basics

Financial Statement Generator (FSG) is a powerful report building tool for Oracle General Ledger.

1. Generate financial reports, such as income statements and balance sheets, based upon data in your general ledger.
2. Define segment value security rules to restrict financial information contained in FSG report output generated by specific users and responsibilities.

FSG Report uses the fundamental row/column concept to build the financial reports,a dn follow the below guidelines while defining a new report:
1. Decide which rows and columns will make up your report.
2. Define the rows and columns, and then tell FSG what attributes those rows and columns have.
3. Build a report using those rows and columns.

More than one row can be grouped to a Rowset and similarly more than once column can be grouped to a Column Set, and can be re-used in another reports.

Row sets and column sets are the two primary building blocks of FSG reports.

Example to create an FSG Report:

Create a Sample Rowset as below,

GL -> Reports -> Define -> Row Set

Click on Define Rows

Click on Account Assignments and define the ccounts for which you want to generate the Row details for,


 Activity can contain Net Dr, Cr values

Create a Column set as below,

GL -> Reports -> Define -> Column Set

Click on Define Columns

You can as well define Account Assignments at the Column level as well to control the data and values

Define Column Set with Column Headings as below,

Define a Financial Report as below,

GL -> Reports -> Define -> Report

Run the Report(Run Report from Report Definition screen), and it executes the following Query:
SELECT nvl(bal.PERIOD_TYPE, ''),
    nvl(bal.PERIOD_YEAR, -1),
    nvl(bal.PERIOD_NUM, -1),
    nvl(bal.PERIOD_NUM, -1),
    decode(cc.TEMPLATE_ID, NULL, 'N', 'Y'),
    nvl(bal.BUDGET_VERSION_ID, -1),
    nvl(bal.ENCUMBRANCE_TYPE_ID, -1),
    nvl(bal.TRANSLATED_FLAG, ''),
    nvl(bal.PERIOD_NET_DR, 0) - nvl(bal.PERIOD_NET_CR, 0),
    nvl(bal.PERIOD_NET_DR, 0),
    nvl(bal.PERIOD_NET_CR, 0),
    nvl(bal.QUARTER_TO_DATE_DR,0)-nvl(bal.QUARTER_TO_DATE_CR, 0),
    nvl(bal.QUARTER_TO_DATE_DR, 0),
    nvl(bal.QUARTER_TO_DATE_CR, 0),
    nvl(bal.BEGIN_BALANCE_DR, 0) - nvl(bal.BEGIN_BALANCE_CR, 0),
    nvl(bal.BEGIN_BALANCE_DR, 0),
    nvl(bal.BEGIN_BALANCE_CR, 0),
    nvl(bal.PROJECT_TO_DATE_DR, 0) - nvl(bal.PROJECT_TO_DATE_CR, 0),
    nvl(bal.PROJECT_TO_DATE_DR, 0),
    nvl(bal.PROJECT_TO_DATE_CR, 0),
AND   bal.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID  = 1
AND   nvl(bal.TRANSLATED_FLAG, 'x')in ('Y','N','x')
--This is due to the Account assignments defined at row level
AND ( (nvl(SEGMENT2,'') >= '23000' AND  nvl(SEGMENT2,'') <= '23001')
--This is due to PTD and YTD Columns defined for the Column Set level
AND    (
(bal.period_name in ('Adj-14','Nov-13')
AND     (    (nvl(bal.period_name,'') = 'Adj-14'
AND    (    (bal.CURRENCY_CODE = 'GBP'
        AND    bal.ACTUAL_FLAG = 'B'
        AND    bal.BUDGET_VERSION_ID = 0
 (    (bal.CURRENCY_CODE = 'GBP'
        AND    bal.ACTUAL_FLAG = 'B'
        AND    bal.BUDGET_VERSION_ID = 0
        AND    ((nvl(bal.PERIOD_NET_DR,0) != 0) or (nvl(bal.PERIOD_NET_CR,0) != 0))) ))) OR        (nvl(bal.period_name,'') = 'Nov-13'
AND    (    (bal.CURRENCY_CODE = 'GBP'
        AND    bal.ACTUAL_FLAG = 'B'
        AND    bal.BUDGET_VERSION_ID = 0
        AND    ((nvl(bal.PERIOD_NET_DR,0) != 0) or (nvl(bal.PERIOD_NET_CR,0) != 0))))))
) )

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Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Journals/Journal Lines created with ‘Journal Import Created’

By Default Oracle creates Journal/Journal Line Reference fields with ‘Journal Import created’ text and Oracle advises to use Reference fields Reference6(for Journal) and Reference10(for Journal Line) in GL_INTERFACE to be populated with the desired details to appear in the Journal/Journal line Reference fields.

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Sunday, 27 October 2013

Email a File from the Oracle Application Server

Below is the most useful code snippet, that can be used to read a file from the application server or any concurrent program output file from the desired location



l_conn           utl_smtp.connection;
l_file_handle    UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;

l_dirpath        VARCHAR2 (150) := '/usr/tmp/';
l_filename       VARCHAR2 (50) :=  'Test.txt';
l_sender         VARCHAR2 (50) := '';
l_recpnt         VARCHAR2 (255):= '';
l_msg            VARCHAR2 (32767);
l_line           VARCHAR2 (1000);
lc_message       VARCHAR2 (1000);
crlf             VARCHAR2 (2)  := CHR (13) || CHR (10);

l_reply          UTL_SMTP.REPLY;
l_clob           CLOB := '';
l_subject        VARCHAR2(2000) := 'This is a sample test email';
l_body           VARCHAR2(2000) := 'Body email';
l_boundary       VARCHAR2(50) := '----=*#abc1234321cba#*=';
ln_amount        NUMBER := 0;
ln_temp          NUMBER := 0;
l_filedata       VARCHAR(32767);


l_conn := utl_smtp.Open_Connection('', 25);

utl_smtp.Helo(l_conn, '');
utl_smtp.Mail(l_conn, l_sender);
utl_smtp.rcpt(l_conn, l_recpnt);
l_filedata := l_filedata || 'Date:' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'DD-MON-RRRR HH24:MI:SS') || crlf;
l_filedata := l_filedata || 'To: ' || l_recpnt || crlf;
l_filedata := l_filedata || 'From: ' || l_sender || crlf;
l_filedata := l_filedata || 'Subject: ' || l_subject || crlf;
l_filedata := l_filedata || 'MIME-Version: 1.0' ||  crlf; 
l_filedata := l_filedata || 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=' ||chr(34)||l_boundary|| chr(34)||crlf;
l_filedata := l_filedata || '--'||l_boundary|| crlf;
l_filedata := l_filedata || 'Content-Type: text/plain;'|| crlf ||
                                           'Content-Transfer_Encoding: 7bit'|| crlf ||
                                           crlf || l_body || crlf || crlf ||
                                           '--'||l_boundary|| crlf ||
                                           'Content-Type: text/plain;'|| crlf ||
                                           ' name="'||l_filename||'"'|| crlf ||
                                           'Content-Transfer_Encoding: 8bit'|| crlf ||
                                          'Content-Disposition: attachment;'|| crlf ||
                                          ' filename="'||l_filename||'"'|| crlf || crlf;

dbms_lob.createtemporary(l_clob, false, 10);
dbms_lob.write(l_clob, LENGTH(l_filedata), 1, l_filedata);

l_file_handle := UTL_FILE.FOPEN (l_dirpath, l_filename, 'R');

ln_temp := dbms_lob.getlength(l_clob) + 1;


    utl_file.get_line(l_file_handle, l_msg);
    ln_temp := dbms_lob.getlength(l_clob) + 1;
       dbms_lob.write(l_clob, LENGTH(l_msg)+1, ln_temp, l_msg||CHR(10));
    END IF;   



ln_temp := 1;
ln_amount := 1900;

WHILE ln_temp < dbms_lob.getlength(l_clob) LOOP
   utl_smtp.write_data(l_conn, dbms_lob.substr(l_clob, ln_amount, ln_temp));
   ln_temp := ln_temp + ln_amount;
   ln_amount := least(1900, dbms_lob.getlength(l_clob) - ln_amount);

utl_smtp.write_data(l_conn, crlf||crlf);




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Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Useful Scripts

1. Diabling all the users:


CURSOR c_user is
SELECT user_name
  FROM fnd_user
 WHERE TRUNC(NVL(end_date,SYSDATE)) >= TRUNC(sysdate);

type t_user_name is table of fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;
lt_user_name t_user_name;


open c_user;
fetch c_user bulk collect into lt_user_name;
close c_user;

for i in 1..lt_user_name.COUNT LOOP
  fnd_user_pkg.updateuser(x_user_name => lt_user_name(i)
                         ,x_owner     => null
                         ,x_end_date  => TRUNC(sysdate-1) );
  dbms_output.put_line('User Disabled:'||lt_user_name(i));


dbms_output.put_line('commit Complete');




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Thursday, 5 September 2013

Standing Charges: Setup and Process Overview

Standing Charges:

Standing Charges are used to Enter Standing Charge Agreements which are used as a source to control periodic invoices. The Standing Charges functionality enables the user to charge customers periodically and automatically create invoices without the need to enter duplicate information.

Standing Charges have a start date and items specified, which can be amended and update the price items.

Standing Charges Process:

The following diagram shows the Standing Charges process flow, as described in the accompanying text.

Standing Charges Setup:

Specify the Combined Basis Accounting Standing Charges details in the Extended System Options Window(Standing Charges -> Receivables Setup -> Extended System Options)
Receivables uses the transaction flexfields to uniquely identify each transaction and transaction line created by standing charges. Transactions and transaction lines are imported through AutoInvoice.

Billing and Charging Periods:

Billing periods determine the frequency of standing charge invoice creation. Charge periods determine how often items are charged to the customers.
Set up billing and charging periods before entering standing charge items and standing charge agreements.

There are four types of period component: Day, Week, Month and Year. If using a combination of components for a standing charge, the relationship must be set up in advance.

Enter Charge Items: ( Standing Charges -> Maintain Items)

Charge Items are entered in this form with the Price, Period, Tax Code, Account details and the effective datee, it also has the item price history. Each item should be made active to be included in the Standing Charge.

Enter Standing Charges: (Standing Charges -> Maintain Standing Charges):

When there is an agreement with the customer that a charge is invoiced periodically the details of the agreement can be entered in the system.

Enter Customer Name, Period, Frequency, Next Due Date(This is updated when the Standing Charge programs are run), Next GL Date.

The Synchronize Standing Charges process updates the Next GL Date and the First Date at charge line level if invoicing rules are used. The only difference is that the Next GL Date and the First Date for the accounting rule can be updated and the updated value is used for calculating the GL dates.

and then following Programs are run in an order to generate the Standing Charges periodically,

Standing Charges: Preliminary Invoice Register Report
Standing Charges: Generate Interface Data Program
Standing Charges: Synchronize Standing Charges Program

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Monday, 2 September 2013

APP-AR-11017: Recreation of Payment schedules failed because the transaction has activity against it

The main reason that the transaction, adjustment, receipt fails validation is due to the difference in the Payment Term(term_id), exchange rate or gl_date between RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL and AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL for a given record.

The below update statement should resolve the issue:

   set arps.TERM_ID = (select rct.TERM_ID
                         from RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL rct
                        where arps.CUSTOMER_TRX_ID = rct.CUSTOMER_TRX_ID )
where arps.CUSTOMER_TRX_ID = <trans_id> ;

to check if there are other transactions affected you can run the following SQL:

SELECT arps.payment_schedule_id,arps.term_id ps_term_id,rct.term_id ct_term_id
  FROM ra_customer_trx_all rct,
       ar_payment_schedules_all arps
 WHERE rct.customer_trx_id = arps.customer_trx_id
   AND rct.term_id <> nvl(arps.term_id,-1); 

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Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Terminating an HR Employee

I have seen a few organizations sometimes end date the user rather than the employee especially when the organizations tend not to use Employee Payroll, which clearly makes sense. But the Inactive Employees have to be made Ex-Employees at some point of time for the integrity of the system and Reporting purpose.

Hereby is the script to modify Inactive Employees(personalized to the Employees without a user-login, but can also be personalized to your need) to Ex-Employees:


ld_last_std_process_date_out date := TRUNC(TO_DATE('23-JUL-2002', 'DD-MON-RRRR'));
l_period_of_service_id  PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE.period_of_service_id%TYPE;

lb_supervisor_warning               boolean;
lb_event_warning                    boolean;
lb_interview_warning                boolean;
lb_review_warning                   boolean;
lb_recruiter_warning                boolean;
lb_pay_proposal_warning             boolean;
lb_dod_warning                      boolean;

--lc_object_version_number number(15) := 1;

ld_final_process_date    date := SYSDATE-14;
lb_org_now_no_manager_warning boolean;
lb_asg_future_changes_warning boolean;
lb_entries_changed_warning    varchar2(240);
ln_error number := 0;

TYPE t_person_id IS TABLE OF PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.person_id%TYPE;
TYPE t_full_name IS TABLE OF PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.full_name%TYPE;
TYPE t_eff_start_date IS TABLE OF PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.effective_start_date%TYPE;
TYPE t_eff_end_date IS TABLE OF PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.effective_end_date%TYPE;
TYPE t_ass_eff_start_date IS TABLE OF PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.effective_start_date%TYPE;
TYPE t_ass_eff_end_date IS TABLE OF PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.effective_end_date%TYPE;
TYPE t_last_update_date IS TABLE OF PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.last_update_date%TYPE;
TYPE t_ass_last_update_date IS TABLE OF PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.last_update_date%TYPE;
TYPE t_object_version_number IS TABLE OF PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE.object_version_number%TYPE;
TYPE t_period_of_service_id IS TABLE OF PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE.period_of_service_id%TYPE;
TYPE t_end_date IS TABLE OF fnd_user.end_date%TYPE;

lt_person_id             t_person_id;
lt_full_name             t_full_name;
lt_eff_start_date        t_eff_start_date;
lt_eff_end_date          t_eff_end_date;
lt_ass_eff_start_date    t_ass_eff_start_date;
lt_ass_eff_end_date      t_ass_eff_end_date;
lt_last_update_date      t_last_update_date;
lt_ass_last_update_date  t_ass_last_update_date;
lt_object_version_number t_object_version_number;
lt_period_of_service_id  t_period_of_service_id;
lt_end_date              t_end_date;

CURSOR c_inactive_emp
select distinct papf.person_id, papf.full_name, papf.effective_start_date, papf.effective_end_date,
       pasf.effective_start_date, pasf.effective_end_date, papf.last_update_date, pasf.last_update_date, pps.object_version_number
      ,pps.period_of_service_id, fu.end_date
  from per_all_people_f papf
      ,per_all_assignments_f pasf
      ,per_periods_of_service pps
      ,fnd_user fu
 where trunc(sysdate) between trunc(papf.effective_start_date) and trunc(NVL(papf.effective_end_date, sysdate))
   and trunc(sysdate) between trunc(pasf.effective_start_date) and trunc(NVL(pasf.effective_end_date, sysdate))
   and papf.person_id = pasf.person_id
   and papf.person_id = pps.person_id
   and papf.person_id = fu.employee_id
   and EXISTS (select 1
                from fnd_user fu
               where fu.employee_id = papf.person_id
                 and trunc(sysdate) not between trunc(fu.start_date) and trunc(fu.end_date)
   and NVL(current_employee_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
 order by papf.person_id;
CURSOR c_inactive_emp
SELECT DISTINCT papf.person_id, papf.full_name, papf.effective_start_date, papf.effective_end_date,
       pasf.effective_start_date, pasf.effective_end_date, papf.last_update_date, pasf.last_update_date, pps.object_version_number
  FROM per_all_people_f papf
      ,per_all_assignments_f pasf
      ,per_periods_of_service pps
 WHERE TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(papf.effective_start_date) and trunc(NVL(papf.effective_end_date, sysdate))
   and trunc(sysdate) between trunc(pasf.effective_start_date) and trunc(NVL(pasf.effective_end_date, sysdate))
   and papf.person_id = pasf.person_id
   and papf.person_id = pps.person_id
   and EXISTS (select 1
                from fnd_user fu
               where fu.employee_id = papf.person_id
                 and trunc(sysdate) not between trunc(fu.start_date) and trunc(fu.end_date)
   and NVL(current_employee_flag, 'N') = 'Y'

 ORDER BY papf.person_id;


OPEN c_inactive_emp;
FETCH c_inactive_emp BULK COLLECT INTO lt_person_id, lt_full_name, lt_eff_start_date, lt_eff_end_date, lt_ass_eff_start_date
                                      ,lt_ass_eff_end_date, lt_last_update_date, lt_ass_last_update_date, lt_object_version_number
                                      ,lt_period_of_service_id, lt_end_date;
CLOSE c_inactive_emp;

FOR i in 1..lt_person_id.COUNT LOOP

ln_error := 0;

dbms_output.put_line('Full Name:'||lt_full_name(i));
dbms_output.put_line('Effective Start Date:'||lt_eff_start_date(i));
dbms_output.put_line('Effective End Date:'||lt_eff_end_date(i));
dbms_output.put_line('Assignment Effective Start Date:'||lt_ass_eff_start_date(i));
dbms_output.put_line('Assignment Effective End Date:'||lt_ass_eff_end_date(i));
dbms_output.put_line('Period of Service:'||lt_period_of_service_id(i));
dbms_output.put_line('Object Version:'||lt_object_version_number(i));
dbms_output.put_line('End Date:'||lt_end_date(i));


 p_effective_date => lt_end_date(i)
,p_period_of_service_id => lt_period_of_service_id(i)
,p_object_version_number => lt_object_version_number(i)
,p_actual_termination_date => lt_end_date(i)
,p_person_type_id => 69 -- Person Type Id is EX_EMP

,p_last_std_process_date_out => ld_last_std_process_date_out
,p_supervisor_warning        => lb_supervisor_warning
,p_event_warning             => lb_event_warning
,p_interview_warning         => lb_interview_warning
,p_review_warning              => lb_review_warning
,p_recruiter_warning           => lb_recruiter_warning
,p_asg_future_changes_warning   => lb_asg_future_changes_warning
,p_entries_changed_warning      => lb_entries_changed_warning
,p_pay_proposal_warning         => lb_pay_proposal_warning
,p_dod_warning                  => lb_dod_warning
dbms_output.put_line('actual_termination_emp completed successfully for Employee:'||lt_full_name(i));
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Exception for Employee:'||SQLCODE||SQLERRM);
ln_error := 1;

IF (ln_error = 0) THEN


   (p_effective_date                => lt_end_date(i)
   ,p_period_of_service_id          => lt_period_of_service_id(i)
   ,p_object_version_number         => lt_object_version_number(i)
   ,p_accepted_termination_date     => lt_end_date(i)
 dbms_output.put_line('update_term_details_emp completed successfully for Employee:'||lt_full_name(i));
 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Exception for Employee:'||SQLCODE||SQLERRM);
 ln_error := 1;


dbms_output.put_line('Employee: '||lt_full_name(i)||' update completed');
  /* Not Required if Payroll is not used
    (p_period_of_service_id         => l_period_of_service_id
    ,p_object_version_number        => lc_object_version_number
    ,p_final_process_date           => ld_final_process_date
    ,p_org_now_no_manager_warning   => lb_org_now_no_manager_warning
    ,p_asg_future_changes_warning   => lb_asg_future_changes_warning
    ,p_entries_changed_warning      => lb_entries_changed_warning


when others then


hr_ex_employee_api1.final_process_emp is not required to be called following the other 2 API's if Oracle Payroll is not implemented.

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Wednesday, 24 July 2013

FRM-92095: Oracle JInitiator version too low. Please install version or higher

Reason: The forms version of Oracle EBS formsweb.cfg is modified to use JRE7 when JRE7 (JRE1.7) is installed on the client. 

The Forms version older than or Forms 11.1.2 and older are not compatible with JRE7, and you have to uninstall JRE 1.7 and Reinstall the latest JRE 1.6 release

Java installation is straight forward and Java uninstall installations instructions can be found here

P.S: Updates for Java 6 are no longer available to the public. Oracle offers updates to Java 6 only for customers who have purchased Java support or have Oracle products that require Java 6.

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Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Deleting an Expense Report

I have come across this case where user has wrongly entered some expense details for approval and was accidentally approved, and a correct expense report was later created. Now she wants this old approved and Ready for Payment expense report to be deleted; as this cannot be done from the application I have to use the below API to withdraw the Expense Report so that all the Payables actions are disabled and withdrawn from any further payment.


ln_report_hdr_id := report_header_id from AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_ALL.

please APPS initialize before calling this API

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Friday, 31 May 2013

FRM-40654: Record has been updated. Requery block to see change

This error usually comes up when the base form modifies and saves it to the database without cosing the form through personalization. If the this change is not due to personalization then mostly it could be due to trailing spaces in the underlying table values, and Oracle has identified this issue advising the users to run the Applications DBA Diagnostics script under ‘Trailing and Leading Spaces’ to identify the trailing spaces, which are not visible from the application screen.

Navigation to run the script from Oracle Applications:
Oracle Diagnostics Tool(Responsibility) - > Applications DBA (Application) -> Trailing and Leading Spaces

Also you can update the Comments, Description fields of the underlying table with the trim of the text.

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Friday, 8 February 2013


This error message appears whenever the user tries to complete a Credit Memo which has been applied to an Invoice and another more recent credit memo is applied to the same invoice.

Right now oracle are still working on this issue, and the only possibility to overcome is to completely remove the associated Invoice from the Initial Credit memo at both the header and line level using the below sql statements,

UPDATE ra_customer_trx_all
   SET previous_customer_trx_id = NULL
 WHERE customer_trx_id = XXXXXX;

UPDATE ra_customer_trx_lines_all
   SET previous_customer_trx_id = NULL,
       previous_customer_trx_line_id = NULL
 WHERE customer_trx_id = XXXXXX;

Make sure you create a Table/line level backup before doing this.

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