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Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Deleting an Expense Report

I have come across this case where user has wrongly entered some expense details for approval and was accidentally approved, and a correct expense report was later created. Now she wants this old approved and Ready for Payment expense report to be deleted; as this cannot be done from the application I have to use the below API to withdraw the Expense Report so that all the Payables actions are disabled and withdrawn from any further payment.


ln_report_hdr_id := report_header_id from AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_ALL.

please APPS initialize before calling this API

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  1. Hi Can you tell me how to create expense report record (header and lines) through API and/or Interface. pls

  2. Tried to execute this API call prior to Manager Approval.
    On viewing the expense report approval notes tab it shows expense report withdrawn, but the ap_expense_report_headers_all.expense_status_code still shows 'PENDMGR'

  3. Great article and extremely informative. It would definitely help me and many others Expense Report Software | Expense Tracker
